Hello all!
This is my first blog and I hope that you will enjoy it. More importantly I hope I enjoy as blogging seems to be the way of the forseeable future.
"So, what is The Page-a-Day Experiment about?", you probably didn't ask.
The Page-a-Day Experiment is what I hope will keep me on track with my goals in life. "How will it do this?", you again didn't ask. I have a terrible time with procrastination. I have a terrible time with commitment which compounds my procrastination to the point of patheticness. The Page-a-Day Experiment will host at least one page of my drawings per day (a page consisting of real pages or pictures I drew on a napkin), and the drawings have to be fresh. No double dipping for me. There will be no consistency to what I draw, the point is to make sure I draw every single day.
If I actually stay committed to this, not only will I be totally surprised, but I will use this site to actually blog about whatever I feel like blogging about.
I really do hope you enjoy my site and provide feedback every chance you get, even it it's just to say that I suck and should give up.
So I guess I'm done, except I have to start this off right. This is a page I did in a cheapo pen to pass time. It is probably not the best picture to start off with, but it is a page I did today. Take a look and comment please!
P.S. If I don't put out a new page everyday and you find you have the time, leave a nasty comment!